Thursday, January 2, 2014

She's So the One!

It's resolution time--again!
One should be wary of speaking for others, but I think that it's safe to say that resolutions universally smack of instant guilt. Just look at that list of yours. Whether it's actually written down or culled from memory, which is to say, from decades of utter shame and remorse, what does it tell you? What, exactly, is supposed to happen? What would accomplishing each and every resolution require of you? 

    It would require a complete metamorphosis, a rearranging of your entire genome. There are, you must admit, people who make resolutions and stick to them. They resolve to be a better friend, drive less, walk more, get organized, write down--as opposed to "reset"-- passwords, be a more conscientious correspondent, be on time, answer all their e-mails, shave their legs, even in winter, just in case they should require an ambulance and have to face a handsome doctor half their age. You know some of those people personally, perhaps even admire them, but honestly, is this you?

     Are you, like them, in constant contact? Are you incontrovertibly terribly important? Does your iPhone go off during lunch with a series of Bings? Bing! Do you have an e-mail? Bing! do you have a text? Bing! Do you have a reminder?

     Do you pay immediate attention to it? Do you interrupt your luncheon companion in mid-bite of her pesto linguine to say, "Excuse me, I know this is rude, but I have to take this?" Do you not even know that it's rude? Are you not even aware that right this minute, you deserve to be beaten over the head with a plate full of pasta?

     Or do you ignore it? Is your phone actually turned off? Have you forgotten to bring your phone with you? Are you absolutely certain that you know where it is? NO???

   Are you prepared to let what happens happen and make something out of it? Can you turn a potential set-back into an opportunity? Possibly even a great story? 


   OMG!  as Angel, a main character in our story, would say, you are just like me, Belle! You are one of my people. I love you. And so will your friends. Call them. Go have lunch.   

     And have a Very Happy Guilt, Shame and Remorse-Free New Year!!! 




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